Principal's Message
Welcome to the website of Government College of Teacher Education, Dharamshala. It's my proud privilege to be serving at one of the oldest intitutions of teachers' education in the state of Himachal Pradesh. GCTE, as it is known, has since been shaping the face of education by shaping the pupil-teachers. It has been our endeavour to groom the prospective teachers to the level where they can be well placed in society and further prove to be productive for it. Our aim has always been to maintain and enhance the quality of education being imparted to the student-teachers. The college has been proactive in empowering them with the latest knowledge. The major focus is on professional development of the teacher trainees. GCTE provides opportunities to teacher trainees to enable them to become innovative to face their professional challenges. The college definitely provides them a promising future. The college also organizes in-service training programmes for the teachers of the state which are aimed at their capacity building at different levels, thus fulfilling the objective of maintaining the quality of teacher education.
Best Wishes.